Wednesday, August 29, 2018

If I was you, I'd wanna be me too

When I tell people that I eat healthy, I work out, I can't eat certain things, etc...... I always get told "but your so skinny.... You don't need to do all that!" ๐Ÿ˜ฎ
( Before I go any farther, this is a long post. If you do not want to read the whole thing, please at least read the last 2 short paragraphs. It will make a huge difference in your day!!!! ๐Ÿ˜‰)
Tell me please, how many of you are as fit, healthy, and skinny as I am without having to put any effort into it?! ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚ When I was younger I had an extremely fast metabolism (possibly due to hyperthyroidism). I ate whatever I wanted and never exercised and stayed under 110lbs until I got pregnant with my first child. I was asked by people if I was anorexic or bulimic, was constantly being told I needed to eat a hamburger, and actually had people throw things at me!!!! I was always being made fun of and torn down by my peers.๐Ÿ™„
Of course, my parents and other family members told me ALL THE TIME how beautiful and valuable I was and how much they loved me and how great I was!!!! ๐Ÿฅฐ But I was young...... I wanted friends... I wanted the other kids my age to see what my family saw..... And when they didn't, I valued their opinion more than the people who loved me.
As most of you know, I'm not like that anymore. ๐Ÿ˜‚ Now, I value my opinion of myself more than anyone else's opinion! Because my opinion of me is what matters most!!!
So tell me now, how many of you value your opinion over the opinion of any other person?! ๐Ÿคจ I will tell you how many of you should....... ALL OF YOU!!! It does not matter your race, gender, skin tone, mental condition, who you love, how long your or short your hair is, how you wear your make up, what kind of clothes you wear..... You get the point right? ๐Ÿ˜‰
Let me tell you what else matters over the way people see you ..... The way you treat others. Yes I know ๐Ÿ™„ it's super cliche, but it's what's on the inside that matters, not the outside!!!! Now don't get me wrong here.... You need to feel like you are attractive, I know. Everyone wants to look in the mirror and see a beautiful face and a beautiful body, but it ONLY matters if you think you are beautiful. It does not matter what you look like on the outside. If you are kind, and you treat others with a kind heart ๐Ÿ˜ people will see your true beauty!!!
On the other hand ๐Ÿ’‍♀️, how many of you look at others and find yourself judging based on their looks, before you even know the person?! If any one of you just thought to yourself " I never do that" .. think again. WE ALL DO IT!!! I am one of the least judgmental people I know, and even I catch myself sometimes looking at someone and thinking "Why would someone walk out of the house looking like that!? " ..... Notice how I said I CATCH MYSELF. Everytime I realize I am doing that I say a little apology in my head. We need to be lifting each other up!! Not bringing each other down.
So, if you stuck with me this far ( yes I know ...I talk alot ๐Ÿ˜œ) I would like to tell you why I am posting this today. I have met so many young girls and boys who have body positivity issues, and no one knows about it. So many people, people of all ages, have body positivity issues. Most of these people think they are the only ones! Can you even believe that?! ๐Ÿ˜ฏ I mean, how many of you just thought to yourselves while reading this " I wish I thought more highly of myself"??? I know I did haha. I'm more confident now than I was before, but I'm not 100% where I want to be yet. We are not alone! There are so many people that need to be reminded that they really are beautiful!
I am not talking about our friends and family. We tell them all the time! ๐Ÿ˜But if you were paying attention to what I said earlier, you will see where I said " I never cared what my friends and family said..... " I always thought friends and family were obligated to tell you kind things lol ... I know now, that is not true. But how many others know that?!
I am going to ask you to do something. ☺️ ( and before you ask ๐Ÿ˜‰ yes, I do this and I do my best to do it EVERYDAY) When you are out and about school, church, work, taking a walk in the park, working out at the gym, shopping.. wherever you go today, and you find yourself looking at people and mentally judging them ( whether it's good or bad thoughts) find something beautiful about them ....maybe they have pretty hair, cute clothes, nice jewelry, awesome shoes, beautiful eyes ..... TELL THEM!!! Do not be scared. Simply walk up with a smile and kindly say " I just have to tell you, your outfit is so cute!!! " ( I have actually told a grown man he has beautiful eyelashes ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚ but the smile on his face was so worth it!!! ) Not only could you be helping that person feel better about themselves, but it will make you feel better about YOURSELF! And who knows..... Maybe one day someone will do the same for you!
For those of you who read this whole post, if you know what I am talking about, and you have a hard time with body positivity, comment below. Let's talk about it ๐Ÿ˜Š Let me help you find a way to love yourself so much that you will stop caring about what others think of you. AND .. HERE IS THE BEST PART!!!!! ITS FREE!!! 

Me Too by Meghan Trainor  This song is so good to remind yourself that you are beautiful!! SING IT, DANCE TO IT, REMEMBER IT !!

 And here is a little bonus video.. some fun dance moves by the Fitness Marshall to the song Me Too that I love to do as a quick fun workout!

Wednesday, August 22, 2018

The B-I-B-L-E

I just spent over an hour in the chapel at the church praying and reading a devotional given to me by my great grandmother when I was a teenager. ☺️ It was beautiful!

Anyway, while I was there and reading, I was writing some things down to remember. The funny thing is, when Barb came in to take my place in the chapel, we got to talking, and I forgot everything I had written down! While we were talking about God, prayer, kids, life, and church, she said something that sparked a reminder in my head that I had not written down. She said "I think I need to be more in the Word" ( or something to that effect)

I went through the pages I had just read and found this ( from a devotional by Beth Moore, that her friend had written) "I heard my husband say recently that the Bible is God's thoughts to us." Then in the next page she says " It is not enough to go to church. One sermon on Sunday, no matter how good it is, will not supply you with the strength you need for every day of the week."

While reading this, it reminded me that while church is important, and learning from others is important... What is most important is the Word! God's Word is the most important thing we have to teach us how to be more like Jesus! I know I have forgotten many times how important it is to read his word every day.

So I just wanted to remind all of you now, if you have not been reading the Bible, or reading your devotions, or taking your 15 min of quiet time to just be with God and hear what he has to say to you .... Make sure you find the time ☺️ it's the best thing you can do for yourself today!

The B-I-B-L-E song Yes, I know this is a kids song!! But it still holds true for everyone ๐Ÿ˜Š

Saturday, June 9, 2018

This Is Me

Loving Yourself

     If I had been asked this question ten years ago, the answer would have been "Forever". It had never occurred to me that I needed to love myself, let alone that I should. I must admit, I have always been a little different. When I was younger, I was always very skinny, because I had a very fast metabolism. I wore make up in a way others did not. My sense of fashion was never the trend. This caused me to be bullied in school, and made fun of, but it did not make me change who I was. One thing I have always known with 100% certainty, is that I am who I am meant to be. I never wanted to be bullied or made fun of, but I was raised never to lie, so I continued doing those things even though others put me down for it. While I had (and still have) and amazing, loving family, I listened too much to what others said to, or about me. It did not matter how many times I heard from my mother that I was beautiful and smart and funny, because for every one nice thing she said about me, I heard twice as many bad things from kids at school. I believe that when someone is told the same thing about themselves so many times by multiple people, they start to believe it, especially when they care what other people think. 
     By the time I was 16, I had started believing that I was ugly, stupid, and unworthy of living or being happy. I thought I did not deserve love, and that nothing good would ever happen in my life. I got into an abusive relationship, and thought it was what I deserved. When I finally decided I wanted to get out of the relationship and thought maybe I deserved better, he made it feel impossible. He threatened my family, and my life. After a year and a half of this relationship, he went to jail, and I got the opportunity to move to California (across the country from where I was living in Pennsylvania at the time). I thought that was my chance to start over. I thought maybe now I deserved better and I could find that in California. However, when I got to California, the thoughts I had of myself were still negative, making it difficult for me to find people that would treat me the way I wanted to be treated. 
     Not long after moving there, I met a man that gave me so much more than I ever thought I deserved. He was an amazing friend, and turned out to eventually become my husband. Even with how great he treated me, I still did not believe I was worthy of it. We had two children together before getting a separation. At the time, I thought the biggest problem we had was that we disagreed on lifestyles and how to raise the children. It was not until we had been separated for many years that I finally realized..... WE were not the problem. I was the problem.
     I was feeling unloved, but not because HE was not loving me...... It was because I was not loving me! Luckily, we were able to stay very close friends, which has been great for the two of us, AND for the kids. ๐Ÿ˜Š After we split up, I went through a series of relationships before finally taking some time for myself. I have now been in a great relationship for the past two years. We have our ups and downs like any other relationship, but we always push through. I have learned over the past 10 years that you do not need the acceptance of others to be able to love yourself! So, based on my own experiences, and a little help from some others, I have put together two lists to help you learn how to love yourself!

9 Things you should STOP doing, because they are keeping you from fully loving yourself:

1. Trying to please everyone around you.

You have to bring yourself to the realization that it is improbable that you will ever be able to make everyone in your life happy, no matter how hard you try. So many people (to include myself at times) will put so much time and effort into trying to make everyone around them happy, not realizing they are wearing themselves down in the process. That is not to say that you should never try to do things to make others happy, but you have to make sure that whatever you are doing is going to be what is best for you (and your family if you have one). Some people may see it as selfish, but you can do what is best for you, and still help others! You just have to find a happy medium.

2. Metathesiophobia 

The fear of change is a real phobia, that can be a real problem! As a young adult, when things in my life did not go the way I had planned them, I panicked. I would melt down, get angry, yell, cry, and my mind would tell me that everything in the world is wrong because one small thing was not the way it was planned. I was scared of change, and it was holding me back. I am not sure where in my life I got it stuck in my head that change was bad, but losing that phobia has made me realize how great change can really be. It is still difficult, but without the irrational fear in my head, it makes change so much easier to deal with. If you really think about it, most fears are irrational. Ask yourself, what are you afraid of? Think of all of the things you are scared of, and then ask yourself how many of those things SHOULD you be afraid of?  I think Will Smith explains why most fears are so irrational in this YouTube video on fear.... If this is something you struggle with, watch this video!  Will Smith on Fear 

3. Living in the past

This is something I struggled with for a very long time. Even now I have problems with it from time to time. Every morning (or evening depending on your schedule) when you wake up, you start a new day. Your body is the same, and you have the same heart and mind, and you have all the memories from your past, but, you are starting new. Do not let each day bleed into each other. No matter what happened the day before, you can make the new day a better day! There is an old saying, "Forgive and forget," but I believe it should be "Forgive and NEVER forget!" It takes so much energy to hate someone (that includes yourself), or to be angry about a situation (especially once the situation has resolved itself or passed by). So yes.... "forgive," or move on, or work past it, but rather than forgetting it after that, use it as a learning experience. Do not ever forget the things from your past, because one day you will realize that no matter how good or bad that thing, or person, helped shape you into what you are today.

4. Putting yourself down

If you are anything like me, you know what it is like to have others constantly putting you down. With the amount of people that you will come into your life and try to make you feel like you are less than what you are, do you really need one more person (yourself) putting you down and making you feel bad just for being who you are?? ABSOLUTELY NOT! Self encouragement and self motivation are very important factors in learning how to love yourself! No matter what others say, no matter how many flaws someone else may point out in you, find the positive things about yourself. Remind yourself daily that you ARE worth it, instead of telling yourself that you are not.

5. Overthinking

How often do you find yourself in this situation: Someone calls and says "Hey, I really need to talk to you about something. Can we get together soon?" So you make a plan to get together in a couple days. They did not mention what it was they wanted to talk about, and now you are sitting there wondering what it could possibly be. It starts out small, but usually a bad scenario, then you start playing the "worst case scenario game" in your head (a game from the show This Is Us),  and by the time you get to the meeting, you have come up with every worst case scenario you can think of!  You walk inside nervous thinking this person is about to tell you the worst thing you could ever hear....... And they say something like "So I just found out I am pregnant, and I want you to be the God Parent!!??" .....๐Ÿ˜ฒ  .... ๐Ÿ˜Œ you let out a huge sigh of relief, and have a great meeting. 
    But you just spent two days sick to your stomach thinking the worst, when you did not need to. Everything is going to happen the way it is meant to happen, no matter how much you think or worry about it. So the next time you are sitting around overthinking a situation, remember that no matter how much you overthink it, the result will be the same.... and wouldn't it just be so much better if you spent that time being productive, instead of thinking about something that has not even happened yet?

6. Avoiding the silver lining

For every negative thing that happens in life, there is a positive outcome. It is inevitable that bad things are going to happen. It is just part of life. How do you usually respond to negative things happening?? Do you cry? Do you yell? Do you break down, and take out your frustration on everyone else????? I used to. Sometimes, I still do... But what if instead of getting upset, and focusing on the negative thing that happened, you sit down and think about the situation thoroughly. Think about the situation from every aspect, until you find the silver lining. Sometimes, it takes time to figure out what good thing came from a specific bad situation, but even if you sit and think about all of the bad things that have happened in the past, and then remember what good came from them, it will help you remember that although times can be tough, they will always turn out for the better. You just need to find the positive side of it.

7. Stop looking to others for validation

I think this one is pretty self explanatory. Think about how often you let the things other people say affect your mood, or sway your decision. Has that ever ended well for you? It is good to ask for advice sometimes, or seek out help for making decisions in certain situations, but you should not let everything that other people say affect the way you live. This is another area I have struggled with in the past. I believed most of what was said to me about myself, even though deep down I knew it was a lie. Too many times I let what others say make me feel bad about myself, and I ruined great days and great experiences by doing so. It was not until I realized that not everyone is saying things to upset me that I was able to stop letting things get to me. Sometimes the things people said to me that made me feel bad were just meant as silly jokes that I took literally. Sometimes they said things out of honesty and I could not see that it was just constructive criticism. Now, when someone says something that would have hurt my feelings or upset me in the past, I figure out why it was said, and use it to better myself. 

8. Stop waiting for "the right time"

I hear it all the time.... "I am just waiting for the right time to .....", or "It is just not the right time for me to be.....". When is the right time?? When you have more money? When you have kids? When you have a family? When you have a better job? When you have ....... the list goes on forever right?
    Have you ever read the book "If you give a mouse a cookie"? It is a children's book about a mouse that originally asks for a cookie, but once he has the cookie, he wants milk, and once he gets the milk, he wants something else, and so on and so forth until he has a list of things, but all he really wanted was the cookie. After going through the series of things he asks for, he goes back to wanting the cookie. If you are always waiting for the next best thing, and searching for something new before you ever get what you originally wanted, and make excuses for why you cannot achieve your goals, you will spend your life wanting.     If you want a cookie, just go get a cookie. ๐Ÿ˜‰

9. Stop caring more about what is on the outside, than on the inside

The old saying goes "Beauty is in the eye of the beholder". As true as that is, one thing most people fail to realize is that beauty is not just about what is on the outside. Real, true beauty comes from within. It does not matter what clothes you wear, how you wear your hair, or what your physical features look like. The only thing that matters when it comes to beauty, is who you are on the inside. Some of the most physically attractive people look ugly if they are not kind to people, and people who may not be as physically attractive (as per societies standards), can be the most beautiful people in the world, just because they have a positive, happy personality. It does not matter who you are, regardless of what you look like, the one thing people are going to remember most about you is your personality. 

9 Things you should start doing to help you learn to love yourself fully:

1. Meditation

Reflection is a great way to find your strengths and weaknesses. I will admit one of my biggest weaknesses is my lack of concentration, so the first time I was ever told I should meditate, I thought  "there is no way I can do that! I will lose focus before I even start!", but I tried it anyway, and it was probably one of the best things I have ever done for myself. This is a great way to get a few minutes of quiet time in. It helps relax your mind and your body making you less anxious and stressed out. Some people are able to do this in a quiet place, in complete silence. I on the other hand, highly dislike complete silence! So I started a playlist on YouTube of some nice relaxing meditation videos. Some of them are videos that teach you how to meditate, some are quiet with a soft voice telling you where to go in your head, and some are just quiet music. If you would like to try it out, I suggest starting here

2. Me time

This one is very important. A lot of people do not realize how important it is to take some time to yourself! The amount of time, and how often, depends on how busy and hectic your life is. It can be as little as taking five minutes in the morning before the rest of the household gets up to sit and read a devotional, or as much as taking a weekend away to go exploring in a new city by yourself without any communications with the "real world". Sometimes finding the best way to spend your me time, or how often you should be doing this can be difficult, but you can always start small and work your way up until you find what works best for you. Most days I like to wake up before anyone else in the house and listen to music and have my breakfast alone. That may be the only quiet time I get during the day, but it starts my day out just right and ensures that I will start my day with a positive attitude.

3. Realize that NO ONE is perfect

Everyone has flaws. It is just part of being human. Material things are also flawed, even if they seem "perfect". So why is the word perfect even a word?? Well, while no one can be completely flawless, they can still be exactly the way they want to be, or, exactly the way someone else likes them. When someone says to you "You are perfect, just the way you are" they are not saying that you are flawless, they are saying that they love you for who you are, and they do not want you to change. No, you are not perfect, or completely flawless, but you are the best version of yourself. You do not have to stop there though. ๐Ÿ˜Š As I said, you are still not perfect. 
I used to ask the question, "If practice makes perfect, but there is no such thing as perfect, then why practice?" It took me a long time to come up with an answer to that one, but I think I finally found it! Although you can never reach actual perfection, you can ALWAYS be better. Striving for "perfection" will continue to bring you to even better versions of yourself, and it will keep you from going backwards in your life. 

4. Forgive yourself (but do not forget)

We all make mistakes sometimes. As I said above, no one is perfect. Sometimes you are going to do things that you should not do, you are going to hurt others (whether it is on purpose or by accident), you are going to do things that cause you to have other problems, and you are going to make mistakes. Yes, it sucks that making mistakes in real life is not like on paper, or on a computer. You cannot just erase it, or hit the undo button. You have just deal with it and move on. Some mistakes may be worse than others, but no matter how big or small the mistake is, you cannot hold on to it forever.
 Have you ever heard someone say "Forgive and forget"? Well, that is only half right. Forgiveness is important. Holding onto it can hurt you mentally and emotionally. It can put hatred in your heart, and make turn away from things you otherwise may not have turned away from. However, you should never forget! Whether you are forgiving yourself, or forgiving others, you should never forget what you are forgiving. Mistakes are the best way to learn, helping you get to the best version of yourself. You learn from them, and move on. 

5. Figure out who you are on your own

When was the last time someone asked "Who are you?". Have you ever really thought about that question, but in a sense of more than just your name? Most of us when asked who we are will respond with our name, and sometimes a title, such as a doctor, lawyer, or teacher. Is that really who you are though?? Look deep inside of you, and really think about WHO you really are. You may even find that looking at who you are makes you realize that you are not who you are supposed to be. If that is the case, start trying to figure out who you want to be, so you can work toward that!

6. Feel good about what is on the outside

It sounds a little contradicting of what I said in the list above, I know, but hear me out. How do you feel about your outside appearance? Do not ask someone else what they think, or look up online what society thinks..... Go take a look in the mirror (after you finishing reading this post of course ๐Ÿ˜‰) and think about how YOU feel about your own outward appearance. Do you like the way you look? If so, GREAT! You are already ahead of the game. If you like the way you look without anyone else's opinion making you feel different, then you are already on the right track. However, if you look at yourself and think, "I wish my hair was different" or "I should really do something different with my makeup", then you need to make the decision to do what you need to do to like what you look like. Beauty comes from within, and no matter what you think about yourself, others will see it differently, but if you like the way you look on the outside, you will be much more confident and that will help others see you in a completely different light.

7. Use other's negativity against them

When someone tries to tell you that you are something you know you are not, instead of letting it get to you and upset you, push back. Show yourself that you are better than that. Do not do it to prove them wrong, do it to prove yourself right. Do not ever let anyone else have the satisfaction of thinking they were the reason you did something. If you can do it, and you can, then you had it in you from the beginning. Sometimes you just need a little push, and what better way to get that push than to make the decision to better yourself for the sake of trying to be the best version of you!

8. Keep positive company

Have you ever been in a situation where you are in a room full of people and everyone seems like they are being negative? They are all in a bad mood, or upset, or just generally not positive people. It makes you feel negative right? It puts you in a bad mood and makes you feel bad when there is nothing wrong. So why not do the opposite? Surround yourself with positivity, and you will feel positive. Other ways to stay positive without company are writing sticky notes with motivational quotes, or kind words for yourself and placing them around the house or in the car, to see as you go about your day to remind yourself that you are a good person. You can also start a thankfulness journal. Find a journal, and every morning before starting your day, write down all the things you are thankful for. This will help remind you of all the things you have that others may not, and be thankful that you are alive to experience these things. Also remember that happiness is not JUST a feeling, it is a choice. Choose Happy.

9. Be proud of you

You know that feeling you get in your heart when someone tells you they are proud of you? You can have that feeling any time you want! You just have to remember that you are doing the best you can, and be proud that you got out of bed this morning and chose to live! Even if you do nothing else, be proud of yourself for that. Do not wait for someone else to be proud of you, you can do that all on your own!

The first time someone asked me who I really am, not just my name, but the real me, I spent a decent amount of time thinking on it. This is what I came up with....
     I am brave, strong, independent, silly, funny, smart, proud... I am a mother, a student, a daughter, a friend, a significant other.... 
  I care too much, I love too much, and I give too much.... BUT, This is me.

 I think Keala Settle says it best in her song This Is Me when she say 
     "Look out cause here I come, And I'm marching on to the beat I drum.....
     I am brave, I am bruised, I am who I'm meant to be....
         THIS IS ME!"
Stop following the beat of everyone else's drum... and start marching to the beat of your own!

So I'll leave you with these few questions, and hopefully now you can truly answer them the way it should be answered, and use the answers to find a way to fully love yourself...... Who are you? Where do you rank in your list of loved ones? If you are not number one on your list, what do you need to do to get there?.... 

Tuesday, May 22, 2018

One Step at a Time

Health and Wellness

     Anyone who has ever been sick, or had a broken bone, or had any type of ailment knows what it means to be unhealthy. What most people do not realize is that most of us are unhealthy, even when we do not realize it! I have come to find that the majority of people will come to the conclusion that someone is healthy based on how they look, but some of the healthiest people may look ordinary, and some of the unhealthiest people may look healthy. 
     When I was younger I was very skinny, but I was sick all the time. I had ear infections, sinus infections, and at one point rheumatoid arthritis in both my legs ( which I grew out of over time THANK GOD). As I aged, it seemed like I was getting healthier. My illnesses were not nearly as often, or as bad, as when I was a child, and I was still very skinny all the time, no matter what I ate or the lack of exercise I had. At age 23, I had 2 children, had lost so much weight since my second child had been born (2 years prior) that I was under the weight I started before my first, and was having a difficult time gaining weight. I decided it was time to do something!!!! So I got a gym membership and asked for some advice from friends and family on what types of food could help me. I got some great work out and food advice and began my journey. ๐Ÿ˜Š 
     Within one month, I gained thirty pounds! I began to feel fatigued, lazy, and unmotivated. I wanted so badly to get in shape now that I had the weight, but I could not stay awake long enough to get myself to the gym once the kids went to school. I knew something was wrong. After seeing a doctor I found that I had hypothyroidism. They believe I most likely had a hyperthyroid issue growing up causing the lack of weight gain, and my diet and exercise change caused my thyroid to begin working in reverse. 
     I have always looked very healthy. I have had many people say things to me such as "What do you need the gym for? You are so skinny," or "You just need to eat more meat". So, because I looked healthy, everyone assumed I must not need to work out or eat healthy. I cannot say it enough... It takes a lot more than looking healthy, to be healthy.

Everyone's Healthy Diet is Different

     I recently started going to a Health and Wellness Center. During my first session with the doctor, I explained to her that I eat very healthy. "I do not eat things that are made with a lot of sugar, I like grains, I love rice, I eat pasta, and I eat a lot of red meat. I recently became a lover of milk, which worked out great because I have a Vitamin D deficiency, and I eat a lot of yogurt because Probiotics are great for you! I try to work out as often as possible and I drink a lot of water and tea, and try to avoid soda because caffeine gives me anxiety. I am doing everything I can to be healthy, but I had developed a cough, that I have now had for almost a year! " 
     One of the very first things Dr. Sara said to me was "What is healthy for others, may not be healthy for you." It was at that moment I realized, I was eating healthy for everyone else!!! I was taking advice from friends, family, Pinterest, Internet Articles, and anyone else I could find to give me "HEALTHY"recipes and ideas. It never occurred to me that these "healthy" foods, may not be healthy for me!!! Turns out, I have a sensitivity to rice. ONE OF MY FAVORITE SIDE DISHES!!!! I was not happy about it, but I said "I can stop eating rice TODAY!". ......... Do you know how many foods have some kind of rice product in them?!?!??!!  A LOT! It has definitely not been easy, but I have managed to eliminate every rice product from every meal I eat. It has only been two weeks, but I can already feel a difference. Another food she told me to avoid was dairy. That's right! I just started loving the taste of milk and I needed that vitamin D, and she said dairy was a factor in this cough I have, because it is caused by acid reflux and dairy makes that worse. So I also had to buy dairy free milk and yogurt. 
      Over the course of the past few weeks I have come up with some pretty creative recipes and ideas for meals that are healthy, for ME. Some of them are not the best tasting, but they are not horrible either. My kids like some of them, mostly the fruity desserts.๐Ÿ˜‰

Is It Possibly to Eat Healthy on a Budget???

     One of the biggest problems I am finding with my new healthy lifestyle, is that eating healthy foods can be VERY expensive. I am sure most of you have noticed that you can get ten unhealthy items from the dollar menu at Mcdonalds, for the same as it would cost for one healthy sub from subway. It also depends on what food is healthy for YOU. As I said above, I had to stop eating anything with rice products. So, I took the kids to Giant Eagle (our local grocery store) to get some breakfast foods for the week. I do not force my children to eat as healthy as I do, so my daughter bought a box of fruit loops with mini marshmellows (around $3, for a large box), and my son bought a box of cookies 'n creme poptarts (16 count for $4). I usually eat oatmeal for breakfast but I was wanting something a little easier for the week as we have a hectic week ahead. Turns out, most cereals have rice product in them. Who knew??? After searching through the ingredients of every box of what appeared to be some type of healthy cereal, I came to a box called "Ezekial 4:9 sprouted grains cereal", and to my surprise there were absolutely NO rice products!!! To sweeten the pot a little, there was also NO added sugar!!!! I thought I had hit the jackpot....... That was, until I looked at the size of the box, and the price. This box of, healthy for ME, cereal, was a quarter of the size of a normal box of cereal, and it was $8!!!! ๐Ÿ˜‚ I was far from surprised, but unhappy about the outcome nonetheless. 
     So of course, as soon as I got home I got online and started searching the web for anyway to help me! Pinterest is my biggest helper for these thing!!! If you would like to take a look at what I found, you can follow me on Pinterest and check out my Clean Eating Board HERE๐Ÿ‘‡
     If you do not have Pinterest, I suggest you sign up!! It is the best place to find great ideas about ANYTHING!!!!! In the mean time, according to an article on, some great healthy foods that you can buy on a budget are fruits, vegetables, whole grains, proteins, popcorn, and dairy products. These things all together can make a great meal! However, it is always best to make sure you do not have any allergies or food intolerance's before buying any of these foods.
     The best way to ensure you are eating healthy FOR YOU, is to make most of your meals at home. It may seem a little more expensive at the beginning, but in the long run you will save a ton of money! The nice thing about making food at home is that you can not only know for sure everything you are putting into your body, but you can take unhealthy meals that you love, and make them healthy. 
     My daughter LOVES biscuits and gravy. So when she asked me to make it for dinner one night, I thought not being able to eat dairy was going to make this very difficult and expensive. Boy was I WRONG! I will admit it was a little more time consuming than I had thought it would be, but we had a great dinner. I found a great recipe for biscuits, sausage gravy, and home fries, and I just replaced all of the dairy products with non-dairy substitutes, all of which I found on Pinterest! I took an already seemingly healthy meal, and changed it to be healthy for me. There are so many foods that people think they cannot have because of an allergy to an ingredient, but there are substitutes for so many ingredients that you could find a healthy way to make just about any food you want, and make it healthy FOR YOU. 

Food is Medicine

     Dr. Cullyn, from the Health and Wellness Center, said something that really stuck with me the first time I met him. When he first said it I thought "well that is odd", but the more I thought about it, and the more he explained everything to us, the more it made sense. He said "If everyone ate healthy foods all the time, and stopped eating processed and GMO food, they would never get sick." So think about this......
     How often do you go to the doctor because you have a cold, the flu, strep throat, a cough, or some other symptom? When you go to the doctor because your sick, they usually do whatever test needs done to determine what is wrong, and then they prescribe you a medicine, and that medicine usually makes you better after you finish taking it, Right???? However, when was the last time your doctor told you what was wrong..... and then..... told you WHY it was wrong???? Never? ..... Yeah, me too. Until now.......
      You would never think to relate a cold or flu symptom to something you ate, but our bodies do not get sick without reason. Unnatural foods contain unnatural products that our bodies do not know how to process. Sometimes our bodies even have a tendency of rejecting foods that ARE natural ( like rice hahaha....). So here is how it works, when you eat something, your body breaks it down and sends each nutrient or chemical to where it needs to be. If it cannot be sent to where it is supposed to be, it goes to the next best place.... some other organ.   In my case, the rice was not being processed into waist like it was supposed to be, so it was going to the next best organ to get it out of my body.... my lungs.... causing an annoying cough that felt like it would NEVER go away!!! Once we found out what was causing the problem, we were able to find a natural way to fix the problem. After almost a year of doctor after doctor, specialist after specialist, all doing trial and error, giving me different medicines for different diagnosis', I finally found someone who could just tell me where my problem stems from, and how to fix it ... NATURALLY!  What a relief! So the next time you decide to go out to eat, or even make a meal at home, pay attention to what you are eating.

Health and Wellness Centers

     There is so much more to learn about being healthy!!!! Tips and tricks on how to find out what the best exercise is for you (and there is one... ๐Ÿ’ชeveryone needs fitness!!! Even the healthy people!). What foods you should or should not eat. What chemicals are in the foods you are currently eating.....
      The best way to find out what is best for you is to talk to someone who knows how to help you find out. Not many people believe in Health and Wellness Doctors, but if you want to be healthy, and you would like to do it in a natural way, they may be your best bet! We found a health and wellness center near me by searching the internet. I called a few different places and spoke with the doctors at each one, and decided which one I thought would be best for me. There are also health and wellness coaches, online or in person, that can help you outside of a health and wellness center. The best part of it all, is that they just want to help you be your best! They are probably the only doctors you will ever meet that will help you never have to come back after you finish your course!