Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Just The Way You Are

So a while back I posted about loving yourself (If I were you I'd wanna be me too). This post is going to be about something similar... but instead of talking about loving yourself, I am going to talk about letting other people love you! For those of you who know me, I have had a hard time with this, but I have become a lot better about it and I am still working very hard to figure it all out. So we can all learn to be loved together!! 😁

 I have come up with 15 things we can do to allow others to love us the way we deserve to be loved. Some of these are things I have already done and some I am still working on... But I truly hope those of you in need of being loved will read this and learn that it is ok to let others love you.

1. Fix the problems -- Stop running from your problems and find a way to fix them instead. It may not always be easy, but it IS always possible! If you're too busy running backward, how are you supposed to move forward?

2. Let go of the past -- There is no point in feeling guilty about your past if you cannot change it. Grab onto the future. Do what you can to make sure you don't make the same mistakes moving forward (one of those mistakes being not letting others love you 😉). No one should pay for their past forever. As long as you are feeling guilty about your past, you will never be able to let others in.

3. Stop procrastinating -- You know all those things you keep saying you want to do?... like go back to school, get a better job, talk to that girl from the coffee shop, see that movie everyone has been talking about... Stop talking about it and just DO IT. MOVE FORWARD. What's that saying ??? "Why put off til tomorrow what you can do today...". 

4. No more excuses -- You can do anything you want, if you just believe you can. Cliche, I know... but it is so true! If you are too busy making excuses, you will never do anything. It is time to start doing the things you need to do to ... that's right... MOVE FORWARD! 

5. Don't worry about what others think of you -- If you are so worried about what other people think of you, you won't give anyone the chance to show you what they think. Don't let others tell you that you deserve any less than the best. If someone makes you feel less than, they are not the one for you.

6. Appreciate things -- If you can't appreciate the beauty in others, how can you expect them to appreciate the beauty in you. Sometimes by seeing what you love in others, you can come to find the things others should love in you. 

7. Pay attention -- Pay attention to the way others treat you. If you allow others to treat you badly, you are showing others that it is ok to treat you that way. You deserve to be loved in a way that makes you happy. If you want to be loved, you need to show others that you are worthy of it and that you expect it.

8. Talk -- Share your thoughts and feelings with the people you care about. If you can't be honest about how you are feeling with others, you won't be able to let anyone in. Let people know how you are feeling and let them share their feelings with you also. 

9. Let them be there for you -- Sometimes you think you can handle things on your own, but you don't always have to. When you are going through a hard time, it is ok to allow people into your life to be there for you. 

10.  Ask for help -- Yes I know, it can be hard to accept help sometimes and to let our pride go so others can help... But if you are not allowing them to help you, they will begin to feel unneeded, unwanted and underappreciated. This does not mean you need to ask for help with every little thing, but if you are doing something that someone you care about can help with, ask. 

11.  Let go of your fears -- Stop allowing your fear of getting hurt keep you from being loved. Everyone feels hurt sometimes, but you have to move past it and allow yourself to feel loved again. Hurt doesn't mean dead... yes it sucks, but you will always make it through. If you are too busy being scared of the pain that might come, you will never allow yourself the things you deserve.

12. Let them see you at your worst -- This is the real you. No one is perfect... no one always has their hair nice, their nails done, fancy clothes, and a smile on their face. Let them see you when you are having a bad day, your hair is a mess, you're in a bad mood... Let them see the bad along with the good. They can't love the real you if you don't allow them to see it.

13. Accept their compliments -- If they are showing you love, don't devalue it... Appreciate the love you are being shown. When someone says to you "Your hair looks great today" Just say thank you! You are great. You are worthy of love... let others remind you once in a while.

14. Let them in -- Be honest. Share your secrets. Let people know who you really are. If you are hiding the real you and not allowing others to know you, how can they love you? I know it can be scary, but it really is ok to let people in.

15. Let them do nice things for you --  When someone really loves you, they try to find ways to show you how they feel. Let them do that. They just want to make you happy and show you that you deserve all the happiness life can give you. 

You don't have to change who you are to be loved... You just need to learn how to let others love you! 

Just The Way You Are by Bruno Mars says it all. Let people love you just the way you are. Don't change to be what you think others want... Just learn to be loved The Way You Are....😀

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