Saturday, September 7, 2019

Amarillo Sky

If you have read my previous posts, you know that I usually do extensive research for my posts. Well...
    This one is going to be a little different.😁 This post is going to be completely based on my own experiences and opinions. I want to talk about living without money. 

   I know it sounds crazy to some people, but it IS possible. Obviously, the way things are now, it is hard to live without at least a small amount of money, but do not have to be rich to live a happy life.

As a child, we always had a home and a vehicle. Never anything fancy, but it was shelter and a way to get from point A to point B. We always tell silly stories from when we were younger about how my friends and I used to tell my sister that a bucket full of water was a pool. As an adult, I do not remember everything from my childhood, but I do remember that I was a very happy child and I had a WONDERFUL childhood. It was not until adulthood that I found out my parents were not rich, by any means. 

When we are children, we just assume that if our parents buy us things they must be rich. πŸ˜‚ In adulthood, we realize that is not the case. Quite often I hear people talking about how they will not help others if there is nothing in it for them. That always drives me crazy. But I suppose that is what most people think life is about these days.

So, I want to tell you about how my adult life has been since my kids were born and I have lived on my own...

Shortly after my daughter was born, her dad and I moved back to PA to live with my parents until we could afford to live on our own. A few months after our son was born, my now ex husbands mother bought us a house to live in. We moved in, he got a new job making a little more money than what he had been making, and we made sure our kids had shelter and we could get them from point A to point B. They were very young, so they did not ask for much, but we did the best to make sure they had what they needed. When our son was a little over a year old, we decided it was best that we separate and go back to being friends, while taking care of our two beautiful children together!

It still to this day can be very difficult raising our children together, separately, but we do the best we can. The kids and I moved out, and we eventually ended up in a low income based housing area. I was unable to hold a job because I was the sole physical provider for my children. We were on Welfare so I was able to buy food with our food stamps and get them medical attention with medical insurance from the state. We shopped for clothes at thrift stores with the money I received from their father as child support. Anything I could buy from the dollar stores I did. Luckily, I am creative so I was able to make a lot of the things I needed from inexpensive materials. 

Yes, I heard the whisperings and saw the faces when I went to the store on my own while the kids were with their dad, and pulled my WIC papers or food stamps out while dressed nicely and having my hair brushed and sometimes straightened or curled. It bothered me a little, but not having money does not mean you have to look dirty with torn up clothes and never have your hair nice. 

Now, I live in a beautiful house with the man I am dating, with my two children and his son. I went back to school for two years to receive an associates degree in psychology. I paid for it almost entirely with grants and scholarships. I will be getting a job soon but it will not change the way I think about money. Even if I get a job making a lot of money, I will still only use the money for things we NEED. Extra's can be nice, but I would rather save and take my kids to travel and let them experience the world, rather than buy everything we want. I will continue to help others and "sell" my crafts for free or for trade. I do everything I can to help others in need in any way I can. 

I know there are people who have a lot of money and can understand where I am coming from, and I know there are people without money that still wish they had more. There are so many ways to live without being rich. 

Jason Aldean - Amarillo Sky ... pay attention to the words :) 

Thursday, September 5, 2019

Too Much Food

Lately, I have been hearing from many friends, family, and even strangers, about the diet's and lifestyle changes they have made. I have done extensive research over the past few years on nutrition because I have been put into some situations that required me to change my food lifestyle. I even went as far as to take a nutrition class at my college. So, hearing my friends tell me they are choosing to go on the "Keto diet" or a "Gluten free diet" for whatever reason they have drives me up a wall. These diets may be good for some people, but they are definitely not good for everyone. I have to eat a gluten free diet because I have Celiac Disease, but if I tried to eat the Keto diet I would suffer from malnutrition, and if someone without Celiac Disease or a gluten intolerance tried to eat a gluten free diet, it would not necessarily be good for them. There is no ONE diet, fitness routine, lifestyle that would work for every one. Every BODY is different (inside and out).

Let's start with some useful information about NUTRITION.
  1. What is Nutrition? Nutrition is obtaining the nutrients needed for health and growth. There are many essential and non essential nutrients in the food we eat. The 6 most important nutrients, essential nutrients, are protein, carbohydrates, fats, vitamins, minerals, and water. Without these nutrients, our bodies cannot function properly. Non essential nutrients are still important to the body, but they are also produced by the body so we do not have to ingest as much unless our bodies are deficient. Cholesterol, vitamin K, and Vitamin D are just a few.
  2. What are nutrients? Nutrients are ingredients found in food that help our bodies grow, repair body tissue, and build new muscle.
  3. What is the difference between a dietitian and a nutritionist? A dietitian has gone to school, gone through an internship and received a certificate proving they know the truth about nutrition. A nutritionist is someone who has researched and found information (most likely online or in books) and is just knowledgeable on the subject.
  4. How do you know what is healthy for you? Always talk to your doctor or a dietitian before changing your diet/lifestyle, have your vitamin levels checked (if your doctor thinks it is necessary), take vitamin supplements if suggested by your doctor, read the label on your foods and pay attention to the ingredients in your food.

Below is a little information on how to read a food Label
Somewhere (usually just under the label) you will find a list of ingredients.
When reading the ingredients, keep in mind the first three ingredients are used in the highest quantity.

Below is the difference between a regular vegetable soup and a low sodium vegetable soup.
Notice the only difference in the label is the amount of sodium. This simply means most likely they did not put as much salt in the low sodium version of this soup.

Below are two ingredients lists
These LaraBars consist mostly of Date, Almonds, and Apples. There are no added sugars. These are a great source of Calcium and healthy for someone who is not allergic to any of the ingredients, 

The main ingredients in these Laffy Taffy candies are corn syrup, sugar, and palm oil. The other ingredients consist of some artificial flavors and dyes that are not very healthy for anyone.

It is important to research and know what it is you are looking for on the food label and ingredients list of the foods you purchase. This will look different for everyone based on the type of diet and food lifestyle they need.

Of course, there are a few general things that really are healthy for everyone. Here are just a few:
  1. Whole grains are much healthier than refined grains. Refined grains have been modified from their original state, and in the process of modification most, if not all, essential nutrients are eliminated from the grain.
  2.  Natural sugars are healthier than added sugars. A lot of times people see the word sugar on a food label and assume it is bad for them. However, if you look at the ingredients and find out where the sugar comes from, it may help you decide whether the sugars are bad to eat, or not. If the sugar comes from fruit, it is a good source of sugar. If it comes from cane sugar, it is best to eat it in very low quantities if at all.
  3. Exercise is important for everyone. An exercise routine will look different for each person. Some people prefer to take walk or jog each day, some are body builders that prefer to lift heavy weights, and some like an easy going cardio with a little lifting. Whatever the case may be, exercise is important for our bodies!!! This is something you should definitely discuss with a doctor before beginning, especially if you have any type of disability.
  4. Variety is key. While I love Steak and potatoes, and wish I could have them for dinner every night, that is not going to be nutritionally helpful to my body. Yes, it is healthy for me once in a while, but I cannot get all the essential nutrients I need from JUST steak and potatoes. It is important in everyone's diet, whether you are a super healthy eater or just eat whatever is available, that you eat a variety of foods and be sure you are getting 100% of your daily intake of essential nutrients.
  5. Sleep is important. Some people can sleep for a few hours and wake up well rested, while others need eight to ten hours to wake up feeling well. No matter how much sleep you need, it is important you get that sleep. Sleep gives our bodies the rest it needs to keep us moving. Not getting enough sleep can affect our bodies mentally and physically.

  It is important to talk to your doctor or dietitian about your food and exercise routine, but you cannot go by what they say alone. If you disagree with something you have been told, it is alright to ask for a second opinion from a different professional. It is also important to do your research on any type of diet or lifestyle you are told you should be on. YOU KNOW YOUR BODY BETTER THAN ANYONE ELSE! Something a lot of people worry about (especially doctors) is BMI. BMI is Body Mass Index and is a persons weight divided by their height. There is a chart (shown below) that decides if someone is underweight, normal weight, overweight, or obese based on these numbers.
According to this chart, I am overweight. According to my doctor, based on my height, weight, and muscle mass, I am a normal weight. Below are a couple pictures that show exactly why the BMI chart is very wrong and inaccurate.
All six of these women weight 154 pounds. The one on the left looks like she may be a little heavier than the others, and the one on the right looks skinny as a rail.

 These six women all weight 150 pounds. The woman on the right is over five inches shorter than the girl to her left, and according to the BMI chart would be considered overweight. Clearly, this woman is physically healthy and fit. Do not ever let anyone tell you that you are not a healthy weight just based off the BMI chart. 

  Everyone is born with different genetics. Some people are naturally skinnier than others. Some have bigger bones. Some are born with deformities or disabilities. Not everyone is supposed to look, eat, feel, or exercise the same. Do your research and remember to do what is best for YOUR body... not what is best for someone else!

   Here are a few links to get you started on your research: 10 Nutrition Facts  , 6 Essential Nutrients  , USDA  ,  20 Common sense Nutrition Facts

And of course 😁 the song ...  Too Much Food by Jason Mraz

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Just The Way You Are

So a while back I posted about loving yourself (If I were you I'd wanna be me too). This post is going to be about something similar... but instead of talking about loving yourself, I am going to talk about letting other people love you! For those of you who know me, I have had a hard time with this, but I have become a lot better about it and I am still working very hard to figure it all out. So we can all learn to be loved together!! 😁

 I have come up with 15 things we can do to allow others to love us the way we deserve to be loved. Some of these are things I have already done and some I am still working on... But I truly hope those of you in need of being loved will read this and learn that it is ok to let others love you.

1. Fix the problems -- Stop running from your problems and find a way to fix them instead. It may not always be easy, but it IS always possible! If you're too busy running backward, how are you supposed to move forward?

2. Let go of the past -- There is no point in feeling guilty about your past if you cannot change it. Grab onto the future. Do what you can to make sure you don't make the same mistakes moving forward (one of those mistakes being not letting others love you πŸ˜‰). No one should pay for their past forever. As long as you are feeling guilty about your past, you will never be able to let others in.

3. Stop procrastinating -- You know all those things you keep saying you want to do?... like go back to school, get a better job, talk to that girl from the coffee shop, see that movie everyone has been talking about... Stop talking about it and just DO IT. MOVE FORWARD. What's that saying ??? "Why put off til tomorrow what you can do today...". 

4. No more excuses -- You can do anything you want, if you just believe you can. Cliche, I know... but it is so true! If you are too busy making excuses, you will never do anything. It is time to start doing the things you need to do to ... that's right... MOVE FORWARD! 

5. Don't worry about what others think of you -- If you are so worried about what other people think of you, you won't give anyone the chance to show you what they think. Don't let others tell you that you deserve any less than the best. If someone makes you feel less than, they are not the one for you.

6. Appreciate things -- If you can't appreciate the beauty in others, how can you expect them to appreciate the beauty in you. Sometimes by seeing what you love in others, you can come to find the things others should love in you. 

7. Pay attention -- Pay attention to the way others treat you. If you allow others to treat you badly, you are showing others that it is ok to treat you that way. You deserve to be loved in a way that makes you happy. If you want to be loved, you need to show others that you are worthy of it and that you expect it.

8. Talk -- Share your thoughts and feelings with the people you care about. If you can't be honest about how you are feeling with others, you won't be able to let anyone in. Let people know how you are feeling and let them share their feelings with you also. 

9. Let them be there for you -- Sometimes you think you can handle things on your own, but you don't always have to. When you are going through a hard time, it is ok to allow people into your life to be there for you. 

10.  Ask for help -- Yes I know, it can be hard to accept help sometimes and to let our pride go so others can help... But if you are not allowing them to help you, they will begin to feel unneeded, unwanted and underappreciated. This does not mean you need to ask for help with every little thing, but if you are doing something that someone you care about can help with, ask. 

11.  Let go of your fears -- Stop allowing your fear of getting hurt keep you from being loved. Everyone feels hurt sometimes, but you have to move past it and allow yourself to feel loved again. Hurt doesn't mean dead... yes it sucks, but you will always make it through. If you are too busy being scared of the pain that might come, you will never allow yourself the things you deserve.

12. Let them see you at your worst -- This is the real you. No one is perfect... no one always has their hair nice, their nails done, fancy clothes, and a smile on their face. Let them see you when you are having a bad day, your hair is a mess, you're in a bad mood... Let them see the bad along with the good. They can't love the real you if you don't allow them to see it.

13. Accept their compliments -- If they are showing you love, don't devalue it... Appreciate the love you are being shown. When someone says to you "Your hair looks great today" Just say thank you! You are great. You are worthy of love... let others remind you once in a while.

14. Let them in -- Be honest. Share your secrets. Let people know who you really are. If you are hiding the real you and not allowing others to know you, how can they love you? I know it can be scary, but it really is ok to let people in.

15. Let them do nice things for you --  When someone really loves you, they try to find ways to show you how they feel. Let them do that. They just want to make you happy and show you that you deserve all the happiness life can give you. 

You don't have to change who you are to be loved... You just need to learn how to let others love you! 

Just The Way You Are by Bruno Mars says it all. Let people love you just the way you are. Don't change to be what you think others want... Just learn to be loved The Way You Are....πŸ˜€

Sunday, July 21, 2019

U Can't Touch This

Food... As you all know from my previous post about "If I were you, I'd wanna be me too" I love food... but I also love my health. That is why when I was told I have Celiac Disease (especially after being told I have an allergy to rice) I was devastated!😫 Silly right?! Of course, at the time I did not think it was silly at all. My first reaction upon waking up from an endoscopy and being told "You have Celiac Disease," was "😭 But I'm allergic to rice!!! What the heck am I supposed to eat!??!.... No bread, no pies, no cakes ( I don't even like cake... but it was the point of the matterπŸ˜‚)". 
   The doctors were all very kind and found some information for me about eating gluten free with a rice allergy, but they left me with just that... "stop eating gluten" was my treatment for the disease. Boy was I in for a huge surprise! For those of you who struggle (or those of you that have embraced the disease as I am still in the process of working on) you know how much more difficult it is with Celiac than to simply "stop eating gluten". Then to add to the stress of barely having any options for food (unless you happen to live in an area that understands Celiac Disease), you have people who make fun because they think it is a joke, all the other foods you shouldn't eat because they will make you feel sick as well (especially dairy), and the frustration of having to spend A LOT more money than you did before you found out. πŸ™„ So I am here to help those of you with friends or family that have Celiac Disease, or those who just like to be educated on life, what it is REALLY like to live with Celiac Disease.

First I would like to begin by explaining what Celiac Disease actually is. Yes, it means you cannot eat gluten. That seems to be everyone's take on it for the most part. BUT WHY!?! A lot of people who do not have the disease (and even some who do) never really bother to ask why it is that not eating gluten is the treatment. This is where Celiac Disease, Non Celiac Gluten Sensitivity (NCGS), and Gluten allergies differ...A gluten sensitivity or allergy is just like any other allergy. It might make you sick to your stomach, give you hives, or make you throw up, but it is going to end there. It is very rarely causes any permanent damage to your body. Celiac Disease is an Autoimmune disease. This means your body mistakenly attacks and damages its own tissue. For someone with Celiac Disease, gluten is a trigger. When the gluten makes its way through the small intestine, the persons immune system thinks it is bad and will begin to attack the walls of the intestines. This can cause serious, and permanent, damage if it the disease is not diagnosed early enough or treated properly.

With Celiac Disease, unlike NCGS or a gluten allergy, you have to be eliminate gluten completely. Most people do not realize this means not only making sure none of the ingredients in your food contain gluten, but also making sure there is no cross contamination. That means if on the food label it says may contain traces of wheat, or any other gluten containing ingredient, you should not eat it. Some people even have to eliminate gluten in other products such as body wash, hand soap and lotions. This can be more difficult than people realize, especially when they live with others who do not have to eat gluten free. Some good ways to keep from accidentally cross contaminating yourself (or accidentally being "glutened" as some Celiac's call it) are to make sure everyone coming in contact with your food (to include yourself) washes their hands thoroughly, make sure the area you are preparing and cooking on is cleaned thoroughly, and make sure anyone coming in contact with your food is aware of your disease and understands how it affects you. If you are eating out, make sure the server and the chef are aware of your dietary restrictions. Fast food is not usually a good place for someone with Celiac, however there are a few chains that are Celiac friendly. A couple of my favorites are Chick-fil-a and Burgatory. You can look up online for Celiac friendly places near you, but do not forget that Gluten Free DOES NOT mean Celiac friendly.

That all being said, I would like to give those of you who do not have Celiac Disease, and those of you who have recently been diagnosed a little look at a day in the life of someone with Celiac Disease. 
    This morning I woke up with heartburn at 9am after not sleeping well at all. My first thought was food, because I know the heartburn was from lack of food. I went down to the kitchen and popped a couple Gluten Free (also rice free as I am allergic to rice) English Muffins into my toasters (toasters I bought to separate my foods from my family's because they do not have to eat gluten free). After they had been toasted, I put a dairy free and gluten free "butter" spread on my English muffins (because dairy is something else I have to try my best to avoid due to the Celiac Disease). We have a friend helping us remodel our kitchen (to keep cost down because God knows my disease is so expensive we have to save anywhere else we can!) so I spent the morning sealing all the cabinets and drawers to avoid any drywall dust from going into them, only to realize I could not cook anything until he was finished with the kitchen. Once I finished I left for my appointment. After my appointment, my boyfriend messaged to let me know that him and his son had already eaten (they had hot dogs because they can eat whatever they want πŸ˜…) So I said I would just grab something from Chick-fil-a on my way to get my kids and then head home. It was not until my sister called to ask if I could stop by, when I was half way to Chick-fil-a, and reminded me it is SUNDAY that I realized Chick-fil-a is closed today! πŸ˜“ So there I was, on my way to meet my sister and realizing I cannot buy anything to make at home because my kitchen is not able to be used right now, and the only fast food restaurant I can eat at is closed!!! So of course, I call my mom, because she always knows the best thing for me to do in a situation like this πŸ˜€ and she says see if they have any rotisserie chicken at Walmart. After meeting with my sister I head to Walmart and search for anything that is not boring to eat for lunch. I ended up with a rotisserie chicken... By the time I got home it was 2 o'clock in the afternoon, and I have barely eaten, which is not good for me because my metabolism is so fast I get sick if I do not eat enough. I sat down to eat my chicken (with my fingers because I forgot I do not have access to any of the silverware right now). It was very bland and boring. When I was finished I sat down to work on my final in my online nutrition class (I am working on my Associates in Psychology) and the entire time I am sitting at my computer all I can think about is food. I am ALWAYS hungry. Upon finishing my homework assignment I went to the kitchen and grabbed a gluten free fig bar. It is now almost 7pm and we have not even figured out what we are having for dinner, but there is a good chance we will be going out to eat... which means either gluten free pizza or Denny's.😩 

     Most meals I eat are meat, vegetables and potatoes. That is not too bad, but snacks are much more difficult. There are not a lot of options where I live for Celiac friendly snacks. Some days are worse than others. Sometimes I eat eggs and bacon for breakfast, quesadillas with corn tortillas for lunch, and steak with baked potatoes and asparagus for dinner. Other days I search the store and cannot find anything I want, and everything I crave is not Celiac friendly. Even the ice cream in the stores around where I live are not Celiac friendly (yes I have actually cried about not being able to eat ice cream anymore... as well as not being able to eat wheat bread). Having Celiac Disease can be a struggle, but I do the best I can to embrace it! There are a lot of people who do not understand it though, and that can make it very difficult at times. I have had people say things like "well can't you just take a cheat day" or they make fun of me for asking that the cooks change their gloves or bringing my own food to events outside of my home. I do my best to educate people who do not understand, which is why I am providing some information for those of you who would like to learn, or need to learn for yourself and for others.

Common Misconceptions
    1. Celiac Disease is not deadly -- WRONG!! While it is not common for someone to die from the disease, if it is not diagnosed early enough, or if it is diagnosed and the person chooses to continue eating gluten, it could result in intestinal lymphomas and other cancers which can lead to death. 
    2. Eating gluten free is just a fad -- Although some people believe that eating gluten free is a good way to lose weight, it is also a dietary necessity for some people. Whether it is Celiac Disease or NCGS it is a very serious thing. Eating gluten free if you do not have to can actually be bad for your health. You should always consult a doctor before changing your diet.
    3. Celiac Disease is just an allergy to wheat -- First of all, it is not an allergy, it is a disease (as stated in the name). Also, it is not JUST wheat. Gluten is commonly derived from wheat, barely, and rye, but can be found in many things such as beer, pasta, and graham crackers.
    4. Celiac Disease only affects your gut -- Celiac Disease may affect your small intestine more than anything else, but it can affect your whole body! It can make you very sick in so many ways. A few common ailments/symptoms are acid reflux, bloating, constipation, and fatigue. 
    5. Celiac Disease is rare -- It may not seem like a big number but about 1% of the population has been diagnosed. That does not mean only those people have it, it just means only those people have been diagnosed. To show how common this is, people compare it to the fact less than 2% of americans are redheads. That is how common it actually is.
    6. Life is not worth living with Celiac Disease -- I must admit this was one I struggled with. Not eating gluten anymore can be very difficult and frustrating, but there are ways to make it work!! If you have been diagnosed with Celiac Disease, it does not mean your life is over, it just means you need to make some changes to your lifestyle.πŸ˜€

Helpful Information for people with Celiac Disease
    1. Find a good probiotic to take daily. I use GNC Probiotic Solutions Immune Support. You should talk to your GI doctor and do some research before choosing the probiotic that is right for you.
    2. Make sure you are getting the right amount of vitamins and minerals. If you are not getting enough vitamins and minerals from your food intake, talk to your daughter about multivitamins. 
    3. Educate yourself on Celiac Disease. The more you know, the easier it will be to keep yourself healthy!! This is a good link with a lot of information to help you learn about Celiac Disease.
    4. Having Celiac Disease is not eating JUST gluten free, most people with Celiac Disease also need to avoid other foods such as dairy and tomato sauces. 

If you have Celiac Disease, please check out the links that have been provided throughout this post. It may be frustrating, but it is not the end of the world.

   Ok, I know this song does not have anything to do with Celiac Disease, but it does go along with the NO CROSS CONTAMINATION.... haha I Can't Touch This (gluten).